Church School restarts new year with changes in Youth Service

BRMC Team Church School is looking forward to welcoming back all our children and youths this school year.

Please note that Youth Ministry will be implementing the following changes starting this weekend.

Those aged 13 to 18 will meet from 10.30am to 12.30pm on non-Holy Communion Sundays. Finishing 30 minutes later will allow more time for intentional discipleship and spiritual friendships among our youths.

As a CONNECT ministry, we are excited about the opportunities this extended contact time will provide, including more age-tailored discussions in smaller groups. These changes support Church School’s commitment to foster transformational learning, encourage life-on-life engagements, and create space and time for encounters with God.

In this new structure, there will be age-targeted central teaching once a month, with youths placed in fixed small groups. In Weeks 2 and 3, Youths will be divided into two age groups: Y1-3 and Y4-6, with each group alternating between central teaching and Small Group Sundays. On months with a fifth Sunday, inter-year bonding activities will take place.

These changes aim to give youths a taste of life in a Connect Group, especially for the majority of our youth (>70%) who are not part of Friday Youth Connect Groups. Connect Experience 2023 ( showed that Connect Groups are essential for developing spiritual friendships and promoting discipleship.

Parents should have been informed of the changes by now. If you haven’t, or wish to find out more, please call the church office and speak to our Youth Ministry staff.

We appreciate your support as we work together to raise disciples who are Connected to Love, Equipped for Spiritual Maturity and Released to Proclaim Christ.

Finally, would you consider serving as a Youth Shepherd or Mentor?

Our youth need you!

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