Rediscover the Wesleyan way of being God’s community and experience the joy and truth of the Christian life that’s transformational through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Experience: What people say

The Born Free Connect Group gives us a taster of what koinonia means at BRMC.

Get ready for hearty food, drinks… and of course, the presence of God.

Being part of a Connect Group has helped new believers Chewy and Clara go deeper into life’s journey.

The pandemic might have restricted physical interactions, but it did not stop the outpouring of love and support Jaclyn received as she battled cancer. Watch on to hear how her Connect Group shares and acts on their lives of faith with one another.

Hear how Timothy and Annabelle – parents of 3 young children – were supported in spiritual and practical ways by their Connect Group as they seek to live out and grow in their Christian faith.

We know life is busy, but for Mei Lin, Connect Groups are a protected time when she can reflect on her life – through the sharing of others – and her own Christian walk. For Mei Lin, Connect Groups are about doing life on life, rather than becoming Bible knowledge experts.


CE’23 is not a course.

It’s an eight-week experiential exercise from 1 Jul 2023 to 20 Aug 2023 that helps us to connect with God and one another for the sake of the world.

This exercise is done in small groups. If you are not currently part of a Connect Group, you will be placed with a CE’23 Experience Group when you sign up. If you are part of a Connect Group, you will be able to indicate how you wish to take part in CE’23 when you sign up.

The Christian life is more than an intellectual pursuit — it is an encounter with God and an experience of His reality in our daily lives.

According to the Bible, such a transformative experience is not possible apart from authentic and accountable relationships with fellow believers through the power of the Spirit.

Experience Groups are new groups made up of people who don’t currently belong to a Connect Group but commit to meet weekly during CE’23 from 1 Jul to 20 Aug 2023.

When the eight weeks are over, Experience Groups are encouraged to continue meeting under guidance for another three to six months and eventually become Connect Groups.

During the eight weeks from 1 July to 20 August, every Connect Group is encouraged to meet weekly to fully experience the transformative journey with the rest of the church.

You will follow the sermon series during these eight weeks, and use the CE23 Journal together. The Journal includes transformation guides and a daily Bible reading plan.

Childminding service is available for those who opt for Sunday Experience Groups (11.30am-1.30pm). Please note that a caregiver should accompany your child if he/she is below 6 years old. Please also prepare some snacks for your child(ren).

Children’s resources:

CE’23 Children Week 1
CE’23 Children Week 2
CE’23 Children Week 3
CE’23 Children Week 4
CE’23 Children Week 5
CE’23 Children Week 6
CE’23 Children Week 7
CE’23 Children Week 8

CE23 Timeline

CE’23 is based on the 4As of Biblical Koinonia – Authority of God’s Word, Authenticity in Relationships, Accountability for Good Works, and Acts of the Holy Spirit.

Watch sermon playlist


CE’23 may be over but you are welcome to join a Connect Group at BRMC anytime.

We believe that the Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation, but in community.

Take the next step and start living your transformational Christian life now.

Join a Connect Group

Participants meet weekly in either newly-formed CE’23 Experience Groups, or in their current Connect Groups, over eight weeks in July-August. Through these guided sessions, you will learn how to interpret your lives through the lens of God’s Word, give voice to your experience of God and grow in faith in Christ, over shared meals and fellowship.

CE’23 highlights: