WeCare @BRMC

If you are new to BRMC, please fill up the separate Visitor Form to reach out and let us get to know you!

For enquiries about baptism and membership, directions, and other policies, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

Need counselling? Visit BRMC Care Centre.

For other practical and pastoral support, leave your contact details below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.


    • Select
    • Request Homebound Communion
    • Request support for bereavement
    • Request prayer and pastoral support
    • Request practical support
    • Lost and Found
    • Volunteer
    • Others

    By submitting this form to Barker Road Methodist Church (“BRMC”), I hereby warrant that all the information I am submitting in this Form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that any personal data which I have provided in this form may be processed by BRMC or any of its vendors and/or sub-contractors (“BRMC’s connected entities”) both locally and overseas and I expressly consent to such processing for the purposes as set out in BRMC’s Privacy Notice. 

     I also warrant that I have obtained all necessary consents from any third parties for BRMC to disclose any personal data belonging to such third parties as well as for the onward disclosure or processing of such third party’s personal data by BRMC. 

    I understand that any personal data disclosed by me will be retained by BRMC and its connected entities as long as any of the purposes set out in BRMC’s Privacy Notice remain valid.