What is baptism? Do you offer counselling services? Find your answers to these questions and more below.
Baptism is an expression of transformation and a sacrament of initiation.
A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward change. Baptism is a public sign that a new inward life centred about a restored relationship has begun.
Methodists may baptise by any of the modes used by Christians: sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. Each mode brings out part of the rich and diverse symbolism given to baptism by the Bible. Each is a form of washing which symbolizes the washing away of sin (Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Corinthians 6:11; Hebrews 10:22; 1 Peter 3:21). Being totally buried in water and raised from it is also a powerful symbol of our burial and resurrection with Christ (Romans 6:3-5; Colossians 2:12) and of being born anew of water and the Spirit (John 3:3-5; Titus 3:5). Pouring or sprinkling water upon the candidate’s head also signifies God’s pouring out of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:9-10; Luke 3:21-22; Acts 2:38; 19:1-7). In summary, baptism celebrates the themes of death to the old life and birth into a new. It is the cleansing and purification of our souls, and signifies that we have been incorporated into the growth of the body of Christ.
Baptism is not administered to any person more than once, for while our baptismal vows are less than reliable, God’s promise to us in the sacrament is steadfast. Once baptised, we have been initiated into Christ’s body the Church and are members of Christ’s family.
(Adapted from the Methodist Church in Singapore’s Church Membership Manual and the United Methodist Book of Worship.)
You must:
1) have a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as your Saviour, Master, and Lord;
2a) have worshipped at BRMC weekend services, in-person, for at least 6 months, as at the date of your application;
2b) have been active in a BRMC Connect Group for at least 6 months, as at the date of your application;
3) successfully completed a run of the Alpha Course;
4) attended all sessions of the Baptism and Membership Course (BMC) punctually, including reading the pre-assigned materials and participating actively in the small group discussions;
5) successfully completed a pastoral conversation / interview with a pastor, a pastoral team staff, or a lay leader;
6) submitted all required forms and documents, including your personal testimony.
1) The child being baptised must be under 16 years of age;
2) At least one parent must be an official member of BRMC who has a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as Saviour, Master, and Lord;
3) Both parents must attend all relevant sessions of the Baptism and Membership Course (BMC) that are designated for parents;
4) Parents must submit all required forms and documents.
A: To become a member of BRMC, you must be (i) aged 16 and above, and (ii) a baptised Christian. There are three main pathways to becoming a member:
1. Be baptised as an Adult (for persons 16 years old and above)
2. Be confirmed (for persons 16 years old and above who were baptised as infants/children)
3. Be transferred from another church (for persons who are already official members of another Christian denomination or another Methodist church)
Confirmation is when persons who were baptised as children, without having taken the baptismal vows for themselves, now make their personal and public profession of faith.
Persons of any age are suitable candidates for baptism because Christ’s body, the Church, is a great family that includes persons of all ages. On the day the Church was born, Peter preached: “Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children” (Acts 2:38-39).
Children are presented for baptism by parents and/or sponsors (godparents) who make the same profession of faith that a candidate would make. Parents or sponsors (godparents) should be members of Christ’s holy Church and take responsibility for the Christian training of the baptised child. They promise to nurture the baptised children in their family and in the church family, so that they will come to accept God’s grace for themselves, to profess their faith openly, and to lead a Christian life.
Baptised children are enlisted in the preparatory roll of the church. When they reach the age of 16, they may make their own personal profession of faith at Confirmation. At Confirmation, they publicly profess their faith and assume both the baptismal vows taken on their behalf, as well as their membership vows. Until then, parents have the primary role and responsibility of passing on the faith to their children.
(Adapted from the Methodist Church in Singapore’s Church Membership Manual and the United Methodist Book of Worship.)
You must:
1) have a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as your Saviour, Master, and Lord;
2) have been previously baptised AND are not an official member in another Christian church, as at the date of your application;
3a) have worshipped at BRMC weekend services, in-person, for at least 6 months, as at the date of your application;
3b) have been active in a BRMC Connect Group for at least 6 months, as at the date of your application;
4) successfully completed a run of the Alpha Course;
5) attended all sessions of the Baptism and Membership Course (BMC) punctually, including reading the pre-assigned materials and participating actively in the small group discussions;
6) successfully completed a pastoral conversation / interview with a pastor, a pastoral team staff, or a lay leader;
7) submitted all required forms and documents, including your personal testimony.
You must:
1) have a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as your Saviour, Master, and Lord;
2) have been previously baptised AND hold official membership in another Christian church, as at the date of your application;
EITHER 3a) have worshipped at BRMC weekend services, in-person, for at least 6 months, as at the date of your application;
OR 3b) have been active in a BRMC Connect Group for at least 6 months, as at the date of your application;
4) attended all sessions of the Baptism and Membership Course (BMC) punctually, including reading the pre-assigned materials and participating actively in the small group discussions;
5) successfully completed a pastoral conversation / interview with a pastor, a pastoral team staff, or a lay leader;
6) submitted all required forms and documents, including your personal testimony.
All candidates for baptism and membership must attend the Baptism and Membership Course (BMC), which is run twice a year.
Registrations after application deadlines will not be accepted.
Registration for BMC 2H2025 opens on 21 Jun 2025 and closes on 27 Jul 2025.
Registration for Adult Baptism/Confirmation/Transfer of Membership
Registration for Infant/Child Baptism
Dates for BMC 2H2025 round (Candidates must be present on all dates.)
Item | Dates |
Registration opens | 21 Jun 2025 (Sat) |
Registration closes | 27 Jul 2025 (Sun) |
BMC session 1 | 16 Aug 2025 (Sat), 1.30pm-3.30pm |
BMC session 2 | 23 Aug 2025 (Sat), 1.30pm-3.30pm |
BMC session 3 | 30 Aug 2025 (Sat), 1.30pm-3.30pm |
BMC session 4 | 6 Sep 2025 (Sat), 1.30pm-3.30pm |
BMC session 5 (for parents) | 13 Sep 2025 (Sat), 1.30pm-3.30pm |
Pastoral Conversations | 23 Aug (Sat) to 14 Sep 2025 (3 weeks |
Admin Briefing | 20 Sep 2025 (Sat), 1.30pm-3.30pm |
Baptism Service | 27 Sep 2025 (Sat), 10am-12pm |
CARIM Service | 27 Sep 2025 (Sat) and 28 Sep 2025 (Sun) |
(Updated: 16 Feb 2025)
Please log into Church Center and update your personal details accordingly.
Members who wish to enrol their children in any Methodist school under Phase 2B may apply for a membership validation letter endorsed by the Pastor-in-Charge.
Please complete and submit the Enquiry Form.
See a summary of our beliefs as part of the Methodist Church in Singapore.
For those in a place of pain and distress, the BRMC Care Centre provides a safe space where, with compassion and skill, we journey alongside you to find healing.
Our Formational Counselling team takes a holistic approach to care, where proven clinical practices in counselling are integrated with the deep belief that genuine wholeness comes only through Jesus.
Professional care is available to individuals, couples and families experiencing emotional, physical, psychological or spiritual struggles.
Call us at 6250 6787 or email us.
We understand that losing a loved one can be a particularly trying time for the family. We are here to support you.
Please call the church at 6256 4298 and you will be directed accordingly.
You may also submit the Enquiry Form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
If you are planning to marry at BRMC, you (the Couple) and only the Couple, need to communicate with us. You can initiate the communication through the “Get in Touch” form linked below.
The BRMC Sanctuary is available for weddings on Saturdays only, from 10am to 11.30am (except blackout dates as determined by the Church). Only a Methodist pastor may serve as Officiating Minister.
A formal application has to be made to the Church by the Couple. The application will be processed only if:
(1a) at least one of the bride or groom is an official member of BRMC,
(1b) at least one of the bride or groom’s parents is an official member of BRMC,
(2) the Booking is made at least 6 months in advance of the wedding date.
(3) the Couple must complete the Marriage Preparation Course conducted by BRMC (or, if elsewhere, at the approval of the Officiating Minister) before their wedding date.
The nearest MRT station is Newton on the Downtown and North-South lines.
The following buses stop in front of the ACS (Barker Road) campus:
48, 67, 170, 960, 960e, 972M.
Getting to the Sanctuary
Turn right upon alighting from the bus and head towards the main gate of the campus. Walk up the slope, past the guard post. You should be able to see a life-sized statue of John Wesley. The Sanctuary is just past the statue.
Getting to Wesley Hall
From the Sanctuary, keep going to almost the end of the red brick road, The Wesley Hall entrance is on your left.
As we are located within a school, there is no visitor parking on weekdays.
Nearby parking
Paid parking is available at Chancery Court and Balmoral Plaza.
Along Barker Rd and Asimont Lane, do avoid parking in these areas:
You can only legally park a vehicle on a road with a single yellow line on Mondays to Saturdays between 7pm and 7am, and all day on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Limited parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis at Levels 1 & 2 of the Sports Complex/Transport Centre, after 1pm on Saturdays, and all day on Sundays.
Getting to the Sanctuary
From the car park at the Transport Centre/Sports Complex, take the lift to the 4th storey. Turn right and go down the sheltered walkway leading to the Sanctuary entrance.
Members are encouraged to give via internet banking to help the church save on processing time.
Anybody can participate in Holy Communion as long as you love Jesus, repent of your sin, and want to be rooted in Christian community.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Homebound Communion
Members of the church who, for relevant reasons, are not able to come to service for Holy Communion may request for Holy Communion to be brought to you.
Please refer to our PDPA policy.
Barker Road Methodist Church (“BRMC”) is committed to good corporate governance.
The BRMC Whistle-Blowing Policy provides a confidential avenue for stakeholders, e.g. staff or external parties, to raise concerns on illegal activity or impropriety involving our management, leaders, and staff.
All reports made in good faith will be protected from reprisal and shall be properly assessed, reviewed, and dealt with.
Reports should be made in writing and emailed, or sent to:
Barker Road Methodist Church
48 Barker Road, Singapore 309917
(Attention: Chairperson of the Governance Committee)
Please refer to the full BRMC Whistle Blowing Policy for more information.
Please refer to the Policy on Volunteer Management.
Any items that are lost and found on the premises of BRMC may be reported to the BRMC church office at Level 4, Methodist Centre, 48 Barker Road, Singapore 309917.
Reasonable efforts will be made to assist in the recovery of any reported lost item. However, BRMC will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage caused to, any belongings or items.
Generally, lost and found items will be kept for a period of six months, after which, if left unclaimed, BRMC may at its sole discretion donate, retain, realize or dispose of the items as it deems fit. It may also at any time take such action before the expiry of this period, if BRMC in their sole discretion consider the keeping of any items to be impractical or inconvenient e.g. goods which are perishable or bulky and cause obstruction.
All queries relating to the loss of belongings should therefore be made immediately to facilitate recovery.
Please submit your query through this Enquiry Form.
Please visit the BRMC Little Lights Preschool website for more information.
You can find the Church Office at Level 4 of the Methodist Centre, 70 Barker Road, Singapore 309936.
It’s open Mondays to Fridays, from 9am to 6pm, and closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays.
For prayer, pastoral or practical support, call 6256 4298 or leave your contact details via this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.