Bible Reading Journey

To help every BRMC member grow and submit under the Authority of God’s Word (the first of the 4As of Biblical Koinonia), we provide a daily Bible reading plan that corresponds with the pulpit calendar.

The readings are posted every morning on our Telegram and Facebook channels.

Download (14 Jan to 13 Apr 2025)

FAQs on Revelation

CE’25 Journal (with FAQs)*
*This journal is for Connect Groups that are following the Lectio plan as part of CE’25.

Whenever there’s a sermon series, each week’s readings typically begin on a Wednesday to help us prepare for the coming Sunday’s sermon. Another two readings on Monday and Tuesday give opportunity to reflect on the message just preached.

Daily Format

We encourage the use of the 4Rs (Read, Reflect, Relate, Rest) as a guide for our daily encounter with God’s word.

There is no reading on Saturday; instead, we encourage “Examen” – a time of prayer that helps us to reflect on the week that has just passed and commit to God the new week.

 *lēctiō is a Latin word which means “a reading”, or  “a selection”.  Lectio divina (divine reading) is the spiritual exercise of Bible reading, which focuses on meditating on a portion of Scripture (daily bread) as an encounter with the God who prospers our souls.