Mission Trips Resume

Youth Ministry resumes mission trip with 13 youths and 5 adults travelling to Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2-8 Jan 2024.

In January this year, some of our youths went mission tripping to Chiang Mai again in the Youth Ministry’s first such outing since pre-Covid days. 

Mission trips for the rest of the church will also resume towards the end of this year.

Places will be limited and will close when numbers are reached.*

Nepal – 20-26 Nov 2024 (Medical) (CLOSED)
Cambodia – 3-8 Dec 2024 (Medical)
South India (Shalom) – 5-12 Dec 2024

Register your interest for the trips and our Missions Pastoral Staff will follow up with you.

*NOTE: To join us, you must have completed the BRMC Mission Trip Training programme.