New Sermon Series: Kingdom of God

Every week we pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done”. What do we really mean when we pray this?

– Is God’s Kingdom a distant location we go to after we die, something that comes about at the end of time, or is the Kingdom in fact present in our midst?

– What does it really take to be a part of this Kingdom?

– How does the Kingdom of God redefine our place and our priorities within this present world?

– In what ways is the Kingdom of God good news for our lives and for our world today?

– Are we truly living a Kingdom life, for real?

– Are we, BRMC, in reality a Kingdom people?

– Is the Kingdom of God manifest and tangible in our daily life and in our community life?

From 17 Feb to 19 May, we will be exploring the above questions in our new topical sermon series tracing the Kingdom of God in the New Testament, particularly, in the Gospels.

For those following our Lectio devotions on social media, a new series will also start on 14 February.  

The daily passages will correspond with the theme of the Kingdom of God sermon series.  


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